Oxygen Absorbers

We also have available an oxygen bag clip which will allow you to store the oxygen absorber packets without having to worry about them being exposed to the oxygen in the air. This clip can also be used to keep any type of bag extremely airtight.
Plastic Buckets
Plastic Buckets
What Are Packaged Oxygen Absorbers?
Oxygen absorbers are made of a chemical compound, the active ingredient of which
is a powdered iron oxide. Our absorbers are completely safe. While they are not
edible, they are not toxic. No harmful gases are created and the oxygen does not
remove the fresh smell and taste of the product.
What Can Oxygen Absorbers Do?
When properly used with packaging and sealing, the oxygen in the container
is greatly reduced. Oxygen absorbers bring the oxygen level down reliably
to .01% or less.
What Are The Benefits Of Using Oxygen Absorbers ?
* Extends shelf life of food
* Prevents growth of aerobic pathogens and spoilage organisms, including molds
in the food container.
* Eliminates the need for additives such as BHA, BHT, sulfur dioxide, sorbates,
benzoates, etc
* Use with gas flushing / vacuum packaging to absorb virtually all oxygen and
absorb any oxygen that may permeate the package.
Main Benefits of Using Oxygen Absorbers in your
Food Storage:
* Significantly improves keeping qualities of oils and polyunsaturated
* Helps retain fresh-roasted flavor of nuts and coffee
* Prevents oxidation of spice oleoresins present in spices themselves and in
seasoned foods
* Prevents oxidation of vitamins E ,C and A
* Extends life of Most pharmaceutical Drugs.
* Inhibits mold in fermented dairy products such as cheese.
* Delays non-enzymatic browning of vegetables and fruits
* Inhibits oxidation and condensation of red pigment of most berries and sauces
Typical Oxygen Absorber Applications:
* Breads, cookies, cakes, pastries
* Nuts and snacks
* Candies and confectioneries
* Coffee and tea
* Whole fat dry foods
* Processed, smoked and cured meats Cheeses and dairy products
* Dried fruits and vegetable
* Spices and seasonings
* Flour and grain items
* Fresh and precooked pasta and noodles
* Pharmaceuticals and vitamins
* Medical diagnostic kits and devices
* Birdseed and pet food
* Artwork preservation
Why Buy From BayTec?
Our absorbers meet the highest world food and pharmaceutical quality standards.
Price: Shop our prices and compare. We also offer substantial discounts on case
and larger orders.
Availability: We are not back-ordered on our products, and are committed to
meeting anticipated demands through the rest of the year.Selection: We have all
sizes for your storage needs.
Technical Support: We know you are serious about your storage. Our technical
staff is here to assist you with your preservation packaging.
What Type Of Oxygen Absorbers Do I Need?
There are several different formulations depending on whether food is frozen,
refrigerated or destined for long-term storage.
The absorbers on this site are all suitable for long-term storage
The most critical component for evaluation is the water activity level (AW). All
dry grain, legumes, milk powder, pasta products and
other dehydrated foods have very low water activity levels. Thus, they require
absorbers which have rapid activation. These work within minutes of the package
being opened.
WARNING:When packaging food for long-term storage, it would be most optimum for you to use the entire contents of one sealed vacuum packet bag within 30 minutes or reseal the unused Oxygen Absorber Bag with a clip or store them in a sealed glass jar. The oxygen absorbers will because unusable if not stored in a container within 30 minutes.
Instructions For Use:
Before you open your bag of oxygen absorbers:
1. Assemble your containers of food and fill them with your food product.
2. If you need to determine the volume of your container, do this now. (How To Measure Volume of Containers).
3. Once you have the volume of your containers, you will know what size of oxygen absorber to use and how many absorbers you will need for the session.
4. Determine how many absorbers you will need for this session. Note: Different sizes of absorbers come in different quantities of absorbers per bag. You will need to know how many absorbers are in the bag you will be using.
5. Prepare a clean, small sealable jar to store the absorbers you will not be needing for this packaging session.
6. Now open your bag of absorbers and count out how many absorbers you will not be needing. Place these in your sealable jar and tighten the lid.
TIP: If your jar is a little too large, after placing your absorbers in the jar, pour a food product such as a small grain over your absorbers, to fill the jar. This will reduce the residual air volume in the jar, and will minimize the amount of oxygen your absorbers will be working on.
7. Place your oxygen absorbers in the prepared food containers
8. Seal your containers within 30 minutes
Instructions To Reseal Oxygen Absorber Packets After Opening The Bag